Who’s who

The Carnival Committee

All this would not be possible without the hard work of the Carnival Committee, Cindy Squire, Laura Barrs, Nicola Jones, Donna Lewis, Louise Bater, Gavin Brooks, Lauren Taylor-Carbis, Linda King, Alma Knight, Jenny Dinnis, Rob Reynolds, Mark Wonnacott, Steph Letheren, Claire Carbis, Rebecca Chown, Sue Bennett, Dave Birch, Angie Neal who work all year around to ensure that everything is in place for this remarkable event to occur each year.

Carnival Royalty 2024

Hatherleigh Carnival President 2024 : Jenny Dinnis

Well that was a surprise! Having been involved with Carnival for many years, a lot of which as a committee member, I thought the time had come to step down and actually see the wonderful spectacle which our annual November event has become. It’s an honour to have been asked to be this years President. I was born in neighbouring Monkokehampton and remember coming to the Carnival from a very young age, parking on the Moor and walking down to town. I think I have only missed 3 or 4 Carnivals. Carnival for me really started back in 1981 when I was asked by my Sister-in-law Alma to help with a float, this was Rubik Cubes more followed through the 80’s. More recently doing floats with Hatherleigh friends, bringing the Egyptians to town plus others and the highlight was meeting the intrepid big game hunter B.A. Hunter! (If you know, you know).

I know how hard the committee and volunteers work every year to put this together for Hatherleigh. So although I won’t be ‘working’, I’ll be enjoying it from the other side this year. Old habits are hard to shift so be aware you still may hear my dulcet tones asking you to ‘KEEP BACK’.



Hatherleigh Carnival 2024 Princess: Miss Belle Trenaman Hatherleigh Carnival 2024 Prince & Princess: Harry & Nora Philips

Hatherleigh Carnival Queen 2024: Miss Belle Trenaman

Our Carnival Queen this year is Miss Belle Trenaman. Belle was born in Red Lane in Hatherleigh and is now living on the family farm. She is aged 12 and attends Okehampton Community College. Belle first joined in with the carnival in the children’s procession, aged 1 as Little Red Riding Hood and has taken part in almost every carnival since, with those she didn’t join it she enjoyed watching. Her first experience on an evening float was thanks to Sophie Winearls who invited us to join her amazing Scooby Doo Mystery Machine. Belles favourite costume to date was Lego movies ‘Lego Girl’ walking guy. She has always loved Carnival weekend due to the community spirit and general buzz about town, with the huge variety of floats and tar barrels. Belle absolutely loves horses and is desperate for her own pony, but in the meantime regularly enjoys riding lessons and volunteering in the stables at Oaklands Riding School, Exeter. She also has a passion for art and anything crafty and with this has chosen the theme for her float and is enjoying having full creative control over her float this year. Her chosen charity is Make-A-Wish UK because she loves the idea of sick children being able to experience a lasting happy memory with their family during such hard times.



Hatherleigh Carnival Prince & Princess 2024: Harry and Nora Philips

The Phillips family is eagerly preparing for Hatherleigh Carnival 2024, where Harry and Nora have been chosen as the Prince and Princess. As a brother and sister duo, they share a close bond and live happily in Hatherleigh with their Mummy, Daddy, their beloved dog Dudley, and their playful cat Ginge.
At just 5 years old, Harry has recently started Year 1 at Hatherleigh Primary School and has developed a true passion for learning. Besides his academic pursuits, he enjoys going on bike rides, playing with his friends in the local park, and thanks to his Daddy’s influence, he has developed a love for playing and watching football, with Arsenal being his favourite team.

Three-year-old Nora currently attends Hatherleigh Preschool, but she can hardly wait for September to arrive so that she can join her older brother at “Big school”. She has a creative side and enjoys anything crafty, playing with her dolls, and even painting nails.

This year’s carnival marks a special milestone for both Harry and Nora, as it is their first time being actively involved. In the past, they would excitedly watch the celebrations from the pavement, but now they have fully embraced the carnival spirit. The entire family is participating in float building, with Harry and Nora quickly becoming pros at painting, sticking, and decorating.

The house is filled with chants of “Oggy, Oggy, Oggy,” as the Phillips family eagerly counts down the days until the carnival. Both Harry and Nora are filled with excitement and anticipation for the event. They can hardly wait for the day to arrive, and the only challenge might be convincing them to leave the float once it’s all over

Carnival Royalty 2022

Hatherleigh Carnival President and Royalty 2022

We are proud to introduce our Carnival President of 2022 Mr Alan Jones. His Carnival days started during his Primary School years with taking part in the afternoon procession as a Cat, Robin Hood, a Policeman and one of The Thunderbirds. Alan later became involved in the comic floats firstly with The Cricket Club then being recruited by the late John Moyse. He was involved in the following floats: ‘The Magnificent Men In Flying Machines’, ‘Swan Lake The Ballet’, ‘Miss Worls’, ‘The Clown’s Car’, ‘Swampy’, ‘Rowing Yachts’ and ‘Sliding Santa’s’. Alan was also involved in the 1995 float of ‘The Farmers Monty’ which was invited to perform at charity events around the country and even supporting the late Jethro one night. He is honoured to be the first of the ‘Crew’ to be Carnival President.


We are honoured to introduce our Carnival Queen for 2022 Miss Abi Bennett. Abi was on her first float in 2008, at the age of one, when she was an attendant on her brother William’s Prince and Princess float. Then in 2014 William and Abi were Prince and Princess on their remembrance themed float. Abi’s favourite floats were ‘The Red Arrows’ in 2012 and ‘Avengers Assemble’ in 2016. Her favourite part of the Carnival weekend is the 5am Tar Barrels. Abi has chosen Families In Grief for her charity this year, the charity helps bereaved children and young people living in North Devon and the Torridge area.


We are proud to introduce our Prince and Princess for 2022 Master Fred and Miss Thea Barrs. Fred and Thea are so excited to be this years Prince and Princess, Hatherleigh Carnival is a huge part of their family dating back to their Great Grandparents. Fred took part in his first
procession at 9 days old and since then they have both been on a float every year from ‘Snow White’, ‘Kelloggs’, ‘Toy Story’ and more recently the Queen’s floats. Thea has recently been learning and practising cutting crepe paper, hopefully she is one of the next generation to keep the tradition going. Not only do Fred and Thea absolutely love going on the floats they love being part of everything else as well, helping mummy sell badges, enjoying the fundraisers, pulling the unlit Barrels on the Friday night and chasing the lit ones too. Fred has his heart set on being the future ‘Chief’ oggy, oggy, oggy caller and one day the Chairman of the Committee like his Grandad was.

Carnival Royalty 2021

Hatherleigh Carnival President and Royalty 2021


We are thrilled to announce this year’s Carnival President, Deb Laing-Trengrove.


Deb has been closely involved for many years on various committees including the Town Council, Moor Management, Hatherleigh Players and various other local groups. Deb has always been involved in the Carnival- she and her father would cycle the 1 mile onto Hatherleigh to watch the 5am barrel run! At the age of 16, Deb had the pleasure of being Carnival Queen.


We are excited to introduce this years Queen 17 year old Charlotte Reddaway!
Despite not living in Hatherleigh, Charlotte has very close ties with the town, with a lot of family members living in Hatherleigh- she has been on floats since she was 1 years old. Charlotte loves the whole Carnival weekend, all the way from pulling the unlit barrels up through town right the way through to the Saturday nigh flaming tar barrels, but especially chasing after the 5 o’clock tar barrels. Her favourite bit of the weekend is getting into her costume and getting ready to get om the float for the procession. Charlotte’s chosen charities is the NHS charity, ‘Every Mind Matters’. This charity is very close to Charlotte’s heart, especially after such a tough 2 years for everyone. Good luck Charlotte, have loads of fun, and we can’t wait to see your float.


A huge congratulations to Alicia-Rose Janowski, Carnival Princess 2021!
Having lived in Hatherleigh since she as 16 months old, 8 year old Alicia-Rose has ben in love with Hatherleigh Carnival since she was 2 years old- when they popped outside to see what the noise was all about, she was so excited to see everyone running about she ended up dragging her mum Annie, up the road behind the crowds, and never looked back. Since then, Alicia-Rose has taken part in the Carnival in some form or another, whether it be pulling the barrels up through town on the Friday nights, attending fundraising events, creating window displays at home, taking part in the afternoon procession with Hatherleigh School, or putting her artistic skills to the test and helping to decorate the school gates each year. Alicia-Rose saw the 5am tar barrel run for the first time in 2019, one of her favourite Carnival memories, and was extremely shocked to see so many people out in the streets at that time- a future tar barrel puller perhaps?

Carnival Royalty 2018

Our 2018 President is  Mr Alan Cranleigh, who will be getting involved in our events this year with his partner, Ms Sue Bennett.

Devonshire born and bred, Alan has lived in Hatherleigh since 1972 after moving here from Bideford, and has never looked back. Alan has recently taken on the role of Chairman of the Hatherleigh Community Centre, and holds the community spirit of Hatherleigh close to his heart. He feels this spirit has been reflected in recent events, with the townspeople continuing their support of the Tuesday markets despite the plans for redevelopment, and their increasing support of the Community Centre – and of course, reflected in the enormous turnout for the 5am tar barrels year upon year!

Over the years, Alan has been an avid fan of the Carnival, participating in several processions as a walking guy, and even puling the tar barrels a couple of times – his favourite element of the Carnival. He has even judged the floats for the previous four years – a task postponed this year due to his Presidential activities! One of the highlights of Carnival for Alan is dragging the barrels up on the Friday night, a task he has shared with his grandson since he has been old enough. Alan said he is thrilled to have been asked to be President, and we hope he enjoys every moment.

Our Carnival Queen this year is 11-year-old Miss Demelza Brock. Demelza attends Hatherleigh Primary School, and has lived in Hatherleigh her whole life. A member of the Hatherleigh Players and a keen sports and athletics fan, Demelza’s other interests include singing, drum playing at Grade 5, ballet dancing at Grade 2, swimming, and Stagecoach in Exeter. Two of Demelza’s strongest passions include gymnastics, where she has won 4 gold medals in various competitions, and drama – she has performed in shows at the Barnfield Theatre in Exeter, and has recently passed her Grade 2 LAMDA drama exam with a distinction.

Coming from a long line of Carnival enthusiasts, Demelza has taken part in the processions on family floats every year since she was 2 months old. Her most memorable float was ‘Stairway To Heaven’, in memory of her Gran Marie Daniel, and was the last float she did with her brother Liam and late brother Joshua. Demelza’s chosen charity this year is Cancer Research UK Kids and Teens.


This year’s Carnival Prince and Princess, Joshua Anstey, aged 4, and Sophie King, aged 5, were announced at Hatherleigh Does Haven, and were presented with their royalty sashes by Alan.


Joshua and Sophie have been friends since they were born with the two families having close connections for many generations. Joshua, who started at Winkleigh Primary School in September, loves farming and helping his Daddy and Grandad with anything he can on the family farm. He is also a keen sportsman and loves any sport. Sophie, who is in Year 1 at Hatherleigh Primary School, loves art, especially junk modelling, and feeding lambs on her grandparents farm. She also attends weekly ballet and swimming lessons.


Joshua and Sophie are certainly no strangers to the carnival scene and are both from carnival families. Joshua was first on a float at the age of 11 months appearing as an alien on a Toy Story float with his cousins. Since then he’s been on a float each year being Crackle from Snap Crackle and Pop, a train driver and one of Snow White’s Seven Dwarves! Sophie was first on a float at the age of 4 months when she appeared as a fairy in a toadstool on a tableaux entitled ‘Garden Secrets’ with her cousins. Sophie has also been on a float every year since. Joshua and Sophie are both very excited to be Prince and Princess and are looking forward to carnival day.

Carnival Royalty 2017

Our 2017 president is Mr Ady Taylor, landlord of the Tally Ho! Ady came from Exeter to take on the role of manager in July 2002 and Victoria, his now wife, joined him a month later. Ady thought he would probably only stay at the Tally Ho! for maybe five years and then return to Exeter, but gradually he fell in love with the place and here he is fifteen years later, now the landlord! Ady loves the many different events that Hatherleigh holds and all the traditions that remain. He warmly remembers his first Christmas Eve in the Tally when Hatherleigh Silver Band turned up and started playing carols; he says it’s things like this and the people that have kept him here. Ady has become a much valued member of the community and is always happy to support local groups and organisations where he can. He feels last year’s new event of live music in the square was a fantastic addition to the programme of events and is once again happy to supply a band for this year. Running a pub is extremely busy, especially over carnival weekend, so Ady has never had chance to really see much of the carnival but what he loves is the incredible atmosphere. We hope that Ady will be able to get lots of help in the Tally Ho! over carnival weekend so that he can enjoy and experience carnival ‘behind the scenes’.


Annie Strawbridge is our 2017 Carnival Queen. Annie, age 15, attends Okehampton College and is a real sports fan. She plays hockey for Okehampton Ladies, netball for Okehampton College and Wildcats in the league, rounders for the College team and in the league, rounders for the College team and is part of the College athletics team where she runs 100m sprint and throws the shot. Annie is also a Young Leader at Hatherleigh Brownies and this will be her chosen charity. Annie was nine months old when she was dressed as Piglet for her first ever Carnival and, until last year, has been in every Carnival since. One Carnival she fell asleep as a chicken on a giant creme egg, and slept the whole way through the evening procession; we hope that doesn’t happen this year!


Annie is really looking forward to being Queen on a float as she cannot remember the two floats that she was on when she was little. Annie’s Mum, Lynn, comes from a large carnival enthusiastic family who along with some other Carnival ‘pros’ will all be dragged in to help. As the Brownies mean so much to Annie and Lynn, they will also be dressing up along with the float on Carnival afternoon. Annie has some great childhood memories of fun times spent ‘carnivalling’ with family and friends in various houses, sheds and garages etc all over Hatherleigh and we hope that she will enjoy all the preparations for this year and enjoys her time as Carnival Queen.


This year’s Prince and Princess are Harry Winearls and Zoe Wonnacott. Our little royal pair are both 4 years old and have been the best of friends since they were born. They have attended Hatherleigh Pre-School together as well as their weekly swimming lessons. Carnival is certainly in the family as Harry’s mum, Sophie, and Zoe’s mum, Nat, were on a number of floats together from about the age of 5 and they too have been friends forever. In a real carnival love story Zoe’s parents, Mark and Nat, were Prince and Princess together many years ago … so who knows where this will lead! Zoe, who started at Hatherleigh Primary school in September, has been on the family crepe paper float every year since she was a baby first appearing as a flower fairy on a tableaux entitled ‘Garden Secrets’. This will be the first time on a float for Harry who took part in last year’s afternoon procession dressed as the butterfly from ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ alongside his little brother Sid. Harry and Zoe are both very excited to be Prince and Princess and are looking forward to carnival day. Make sure you give them a wave!

Carnival Royalty 2016

Our President for 2016 is Mrs Jenny Phillips from Monkokehampton. Jenny’s family moved to Hatherleigh when she was four and they swiftly became Carnival fans and made their first float which Jenny was on at the age of five. Her family made floats for years, then at about the age of fifteen Jenny took on the task of making her own. Jenny was an attendant for the last Carnival King and Queen, Mr Ronnie Hicks and Mrs Eileen Pillivant. She is Hatherleigh Carnival mad and has only ever missed two carnivals – one due to a bad case of flu and the other due to being in hospital following a car accident; although even then she asked her husband Fred to wheel her out and home to see it! Jenny has expertly judged at the Carnival for many years but hopefully she will be allowed to have a year off and just enjoy being this year’s Carnival President!
Hatherleigh has its very own ‘Queen Elizabeth’ this year as our 2016 Carnival Queen is sixteen year old Elizabeth Hutton from Rutleigh Farm. Elizabeth’s family are also the Carnival’s own ‘Royal family’ as we have Mum – Ann, Dad – Andrew and brother – William! Elizabeth has always been a huge fan of Hatherleigh Carnival and has taken part as a walking guy many times, but this will be her first experience on a float. Mum, Ann, says Elizabeth has lots of ideas and is looking forward to helping to make her tableaux. Elizabeth has recently begun her apprenticeship at ECLIPS in Okehampton. Elizabeth’s chosen charity is the special care baby unit at North Devon District Hospital as she was born 8 weeks early and wants to give something back in return for all the loving care that she received.


This year’s Prince and Princess are Heidi and Guy Flowers. They moved to Hatherleigh from Coventry just over a year ago and couldn’t be happier with their new life. Despite sadness leaving many friends and family behind, Hatherleigh now feels like home and they have made many, many new friends here. Heidi attends Hatherleigh Primary school and loves it- she has just moved into Year 4. Guy left Hatherleigh and Highampton preschools in the summer and has joined his sister at big school in reception. They both love swimming and being outdoors as much as possible. They like taking long walks exploring the countryside with their Mummy, Daddy and Penny their dog. Heidi attends the local Brownies group as well as the school choir and plays the ukulele (a potential Ukulele Basher in the making?) Guy loves sports and is very keen to join the Hatherleigh football and cricket clubs as soon as he is old enough. They would both like to thank everyone in Hatherleigh for welcoming them into their fantastic community.


They feel honoured to have been accepted and to be given such a special role in this year’s carnival. They wish everyone a happy carnival.


The committee would like to thank Jenny, Elizabeth, Heidi and Guy for being our 2016 President and Royalty and hope they all enjoy their da

Carnival Royalty 2015

This year’s Queen is Ella-May Jevons. Ella-May joined Hatherleigh Primary in 2013 at the start of Year 6. Only there for one year, she certainly made her mark and was presented with the ‘Spirit of Devon’ Award before moving up to Okehampton College. Ella-May may be a newcomer, but she is a direct descendant of the Pearse family, who opened the first bank and boarding school for farm children here in the 1800s. The monument in the graveyard and Belverdere Castle were paid for by the town’s people in memory of George Pearse, who won the Queen’s shot in 1875.


Ella-May is a member of the Guides, and also the Hatherleigh Players, where she enjoys her passions for singing, acting and performing. She would like to thank the local community for their generosity buying Queen’s Draw tickets, Blakewell Services for supplying the tractor and driver, her attendants Kiara Stoneman, Ross Diepenbroek and Ashlyn Ware for their help going out selling tickets and their families, and her own family for helping to make her float. Your Queen hopes that the weather is kind and that everyone has a great Carnival!


Our Prince and Princess are Holly and Joshua Wale. Holly attends Hatherleigh Primary School and Joshua attends Hatherleigh pre-school. Holly is 6 and Joshua is 2½. Holly and Joshua live on a farm and enjoy going out and helping to feed the calves. Holly loves horses and has begun to learn to ride. She also loves dance and goes to the: ‘Squire Sisters’ school of dance where she enjoys ballet. Holly also enjoys swimming. Joshua loves tractors and animals. Holly and Joshua have been in the afternoon carnival but never on a float and never in the evening, so they are very excited about being Prince and Princess. They would like to wish everyone a happy carnival!


May, Holly and Joshua for being our 2015 royalty and hope they all enjoy their day.

Our 112th Carnival President - Mrs Gill Davis

It was with great sadness that our 2015 carnival president, Mrs Gill Davis, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in August this year, aged 51. Gill was an avid supporter of Hatherleigh Carnival being involved all her life as a competitor, a supporter and a judge. She was very much looking forward to being Carnival President this year, a title she was proud to have gained. In the 1960s Gill first dressed up in the afternoon procession and participated in her first evening procession in the 1970s aboard the Sunday School float. Under the guidance of Mandy Wonnacott, Gill completed her first official crepe paper float in 1990 when her daughter, Natalie, was Princess alongside her Prince (and now husband) Mark Wonnacott. Gill’s youngest daughter, Hannah, was one of Natalie and Mark’s attendants.


From this moment on, Gill was hooked and she went on to design and create floats with the Reddaway and Entwistle families year after year, many of which Natalie and Hannah were on. Latterly, Gill also helped the Wonnacott, Dilling, Bater, Squire and King families when her granddaughter Zoe was born and welcomed into the carnival tradition; participating in her first carnival at just seven months old. Gill was indeed a proud Granny to see Zoe dressed as a flower fairy on her first float.


Gill’s presence will be missed by so many on carnival day but those that know her will know that she will be looking down on us all with her “box” of wine in her hand, hoping that everyone has a happy, safe and enjoyable carnival.

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